Amanda Mogoi Named a Healthcare Hero

We are incredibly proud of M-Care co-owner and provider, Amanda Mogoi for being named a Healthcare Hero by the Wichita Business Journal and receiving a Community Outreach Award. Amanda was nominated for her work to provide safe and affirming care for members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

While some health care providers do gender-affirming care, this is the focus at M-Care, which makes it unique in our community. “The reason M-Care exists is because many LGBTQIA+ patients have faced discrimination in health care settings including being deadnamed, misgendered, and even proselytized. As I began to understand how underserved the community is, my passion grew for serving this community and giving them access to a safe and affirming health care home,” Amanda said.

M-Care provides sex-positive and gender-affirming health care as a core part of its mission. M-Care frequently partners with community organizations such as Positive Directions and Community Walgreens for STI testing, treatment, and access to free or low-cost HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) medications. M-Care is proud to offer HIV treatment and received a grant from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment in 2021 and 2022 to provide Ryan White case management for patients with HIV. Amanda speaks at various events around Wichita and Kansas, even providing testimony to the Kansas State Legislature to promote safe and inclusive care.

“When I became a nurse and later a nurse practitioner, I dedicated my life to serving all people with equity and love.  I’ll never forget the first transgender patient that I ever saw.  I was working in an immediate care clinic and when I walked in the room, the patient was shaking in fear, not knowing who was going to walk in the door and how he was going to be treated.  When I asked him how I should address him, he looked shocked.  Not long after, I overheard other staff members discussing how providing gender-affirming care to minors should be considered child abuse. From that time, I decided that I would see any trans patients who walked into that setting. I knew that we had to do better and that starts with me.”

Congratulations, Amanda and thank you for all you do for M-Care and the LGBTQIA+ community!

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